Welcome To Infodesk Computer Education

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At INFODESK, we offer comprehensive range of services designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the dynamic world of technology. From cutting-edge training programs in programming, cybersecurity, and data analysis to hands-on workshops and real-world project opportunities, our institute provides a holistic educational experience.

Our dedicated instructors and industry experts ensure that students receive the most up-to-date knowledge and practical insights. Additionally, our state-of-the-art facilities and access to the latest software and hardware create an immersive learning environment. We also offer career counseling and job placement assistance to guide our students towards promising career paths.


“Dream big, code boldly, and never stop learning. The world of technology is yours to conquer, and you have the tools, knowledge, and determination to lead the way into a brighter digital future.”


At INFODESK, we provide students with a well-rounded and future-focused education in the ever-evolving field of technology. It is designed to nurture not just technical prowess but also critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. Our comprehensive courses cover a broad spectrum of IT domains, including programming languages, software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, and more.

infodesk computer education data science

Data Science

At INFODESK, we acknowledge the pivotal role that data science plays in shaping the future landscape of technology and innovation. Our data science course empower students with skills to not only collect, analyze, and interpret data but also to unlock its vast potential for solving challenges.

Data Analytics

At INFODESK, we understand the significance of data analytics as a critical skill for tech professionals. Our data analytics programs provide students with the tools to gather, clean, transform, analyze, and interpret data, transforming it into actionable insights with an story telling skill.

Marketeers learning from fellow professionals at meetup with presentation board. Marketing meetup, sharing experience, marketing expertise concept. Pinkish coral bluevector isolated illustration

Digital Marketing

At INFODESK, we recognize the pivotal role of digital marketing in shaping the digital world. Our digital marketing programs equip students with the knowledge and skills to create effective online strategies, optimize campaigns, and leverage data to maximize impact.

infodesk computer education graphic design curriculum

Graphic Design

At INFODESK, we offer comprehensive Graphic Designing courses that provide students with the skills and tools to craft visually compelling materials. Our curriculum covers a wide range of DTP software applications, design principles, and typography techniques.

infodesk computer education ethical hacking curriculum

Ethical Hacking

At INFODESK, we're dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to become ethical hackers. Our comprehensive Ethical Hacking courses equip students with the expertise and tools necessary to identify vulnerabilities, assess security risks, and fortify digital systems against cyber threats.

infodesk computer education web designing curriculum

Web Designing

"At INFODESK, we provide in-depth Web Designing courses tailored to equip students with the necessary skills and tools to create captivating online experiences. Our curriculum encompasses HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Adobe Dreamweaver, ensuring students gain proficiency in these essential technologies.

InfoDesk Co curriculum activities

Our Co-curricular Activities


At INFODESK, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals. As part of our co-curricular activities, we offer cricket programs to instill teamwork, discipline, and physical fitness. Cricket not only serves as a break from the digital world but also promotes leadership and strategic thinking, essential qualities for tech professionals.

Festivals Celebration

At INFODESK, we believe in a vibrant and inclusive community, celebrating the diversity and joy that festivals bring. Our festival celebrations are not just about festivities; they're about embracing cultural richness and creating memorable experiences for our students and staff. These celebrations are more than just events; they're moments of learning and appreciation.

IT Quizzes

At INFODESK, we recognize the importance of fostering intellectual curiosity and a competitive spirit, which is why we offer co-curricular IT Quizzes as an exciting and educational activity. These quizzes provide students with a platform to test their knowledge, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking in the world of technology.